Thursday, April 14, 2011

In Preparation

Friends, Holy Days are nearing. I am deep-drinking the Bible and this book, listening to worship music as I always do, delighting in precious 7-year-old's first stirrings of falling in love with Jesus.

I am sorry I have not written; I have been living quite a lot of different things lately.

But I had to come and recognize what is coming. He is coming. Redemption is coming. Sacrifice is coming. Forgiveness is coming.

I just made the date today with Pastor: I will be getting baptized at the 6:30am Easter Sunday service. What a joy! What excitement!

Arise, Jesus!

Lord, pour your water over my forehead.

I will officially begin my life in faith, following His steps, resting in His embrace.

What do these Holy Days hold for you?

Perhaps you'd like to try something new...

Take a look at these two links, talking about Passover and holding a Messianic Seder.

A Holy Experience

Getting Down with Jesus

Husband and I are going out of town for a wedding...I will be back full of readiness for a truly holy week.

Blessings to you.


  1. I am cheering here! Baptized! On Easter? How beautiful. God bless you, dear one.

    Drink deep, His love.

    -- Jennifer

  2. Jennifer - yes, I am so honored that Pastor has let me pick Easter morning as my baptism. Excitement abounds!


Thank you for commenting on my blog post. Whether we agree or disagree, I hope to create a "table" where we can come together no matter who we are and be the people we were created to be. Let us comment with respect and love for each other. Thank you so much for taking the time to connect with me. Bless you!