Sunday, March 31, 2013

He is Risen, Indeed! The First of Many Words to You Today

Video blogs...

that was what I was up to last night as I waited to go to my hour-long prayer vigil at church, to sit by Jesus as one might sit by a dying friend. The prayer vigil is a Saturday-before-Easter tradition that I've done for two years now. Last night was one of my most holy experiences...and I had a very different yet equally holy time last night as I sat, prayed, talked, wrote, from 11:00pm to 12:00am this morning - intentionally choosing that cross-over time to the first morning hours of Easter morning.

Before that, though, I recorded some video blogs I hope to share later today and in days to come.

They came out... get this.... accidentally upside-down.

Husband said he might be able to run it through his software and fix them.

How fitting, once I get over the upsetness of possibility having the videos ruined.

This Kingdom of God is upside-down, isn't it.

Jesus has risen, my friends.

Jesus is risen, He is risen, indeed.

Happy Easter!!

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